Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Dr. Jeremy Lopez interviews author Mandy Lender on the subject of: HabakkuK and Faith-Based Law of Attraction

Tuesday, January 7th, 2014

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TURN YOUR THOUGHTS INTO REALITY. Use modern scientific foundations and Bible based wisdom to align your life with the Law of Attraction as do the Master Attractors. What is common to evangelist Billy Graham and to world champion Roger Bannister who broke the four minute mile barrier? They benefit from the Law of Attraction! Listen to the interview.

Interview with Dr. Mandy Lender on literature and writing

Thursday, September 5th, 2013

Are you a Master Attractor?

Monday, February 27th, 2012

Who is a Master Attractor?

A Master Attractor is a person who manifests any two of the following four characteristics: (more…)

“Vision of Habakkuk” book-signing aligned with the Law Of Attraction

Monday, October 10th, 2011

Look around you.

At every quadrant of my surroundings you see the expanse of a different State. As you turn your head around you see parts of two States. I turn around literally on a dime and see two other States behind me.


HabakkuK’s rule #3 – As you wait for your wish it will surly manifest

Tuesday, November 9th, 2010
This entry is part 5 of 4 in the series HabakkuK's introduction

Welcome back to HabakkuK Planet.

In the previous blogs I reviewed HabakkuK’s rules #1 and #2 for happiness and success.


HabakkuK’s rule #2 – writing triggers the Law of Attraction

Monday, October 11th, 2010
This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series HabakkuK's introduction

In this post, we continue to explore Habakkuk’s practice of the Law of Attraction.

HabakkuK was a mystic and a master of meditation and contemplation. When a
new idea hit him, he took first action – he put his idea in writing. He used clay
tablets to write on:”Write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run
that readeth it.” (Haba. 2:2).


HabakkuK’s Rule #1: You Must Have a Vision

Monday, October 11th, 2010
This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series HabakkuK's introduction

A Key Concept of the LOA (Law of Attraction), discussed in the book “The
Vision of HabakkuK. The Law of Attraction in the Holy Bible” is the requirement
of every human being to have a vision for his or her own life. Having a vision
for one’s life is the same as saying ‘having a purpose for one’s life’. It does
not matter much if your purpose or vision of your self and your life is small or
big. What matters is that you know what is your purpose and for what reason
you get out of bed in the morning. For one thing, a person who sleeps late does
so because of missing the excitement of a compelling reason to get out of bed.


HabakkuK and me

Monday, October 11th, 2010
This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series HabakkuK's introduction

In the previous Blog, I told you about my serendipitous occurrence – the small “tip” I received
that got me “sold” on the Law of Attraction (LOA). Among other things, I gave you a hint:
expect serendipitous events in your life at anytime – all the time. I’ll explain the “serendipity”
phenomenon in depth in a future Blog. If you wish, you can research the topic yourself. Either
way, you can make serendipity an integral part of your daily life.


The Law of Attraction (LOA) and me

Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010
This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series HabakkuK's introduction

In the early spring of 2006, as the snows of the winter were melting I was making my way on a sidewalk in River Forest, IL, while listening to the audio version of the book “The Secret”. I left my car for service at the local outfit – Lake and Thatcher. It was still cold outside. No one was walking in the street other than me. I found the narration interesting. For a long while, the LOA fascinated me. I read books on the subject. Like many others, I was among the big group of the skeptical. I didn’t call it “crap”. I didn’t call it a scam. I just found it interesting but I still wasn’t sold on it. As I walked came a tipping point. It was a small “tip”. It turned out that the small “tip” got me tipped over into the ranks of those “sold” on the LOA idea. The tip came in a form a $10 bill printed by the U.S. mint. It was lying there in a small puddle of melting slushy snow and brown water, folded times three, probably all winter long. The bill was clear enough to attract my attention. I am one of this minority who trouble themselves to pick up a penny or a dime on the street or parking lot. Never before, I bent in order to pick up a $10 bill. It is a 1to 1,000 ratio between a penny and a $10 bill.
