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The Vision of HabakkuK


The Law of Attraction and the prophet Habakkuk?


What does the prophet Habakkuk have to do with Law of Attraction?


The answer is that even the prophet Habakkuk, in order to prophesy effectively, aligned himself with the Law of Attraction. In fact every great Biblical prophet, leader, king, had to align himself with the Law of Attraction (LOA).


The predicate of this book is that the LOA is a simple result of known neuropsychological scientific knowledge. The LOA permeates the lives of all human beings - whether they like it or not, whether they admit it or not, or whether they are aware of it or not. Yes, humans attract to themselves the reality of their life.


The thought occurred to me sometime ago, that if the LOA has any validity then its key concepts have to be found in the Holy Bible. The Bible is about humanity. It is densely full of vivid stories about human behavior, human deeds, human beliefs, and human ethics. Some stories are repeated more than once. The heroes of the stories in order to be successful and in order to achieve what they set out to achieve had to act as humans act. Some were divinely inspired but they still acted among humans in ways that we humans act.

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This book – The Vision of HabakkuK – lists the key concepts of the LOA. The key concepts are illustrated by examples quoted from the both the Hebrew Bible and the New Testament. Many towering Biblical figures acted, healed and taught in alignment with the LOA. Only they did not use the term Law of Attraction. To name a few (in historical order): Moses, Solomon, Elijah, in the Hebrew bible; Jesus and Paul in the New Testament. The Books of Wisdom in the Hebrew Bible are replete with key concepts that in the whole constitute the LOA.

Among the so called, ”Minor Prophets”, was the mystic Habakkuk. As it turned out he was not “minor” in his teachings. He was a major thinker. Erudite Bible students know that Habakkuk is one of the originating thinkers of the philosophical and theological concept of Faith (Habakkuk 2:4). As a result the prophet Habakkuk is considered a great monotheistic theologian who is quoted by later Biblical authors in the New Testament and the Apocrypha.


Going almost unknown is Habakkuk’s prescription of living life for best results – in alignment with the LOA. I call Habakkuk’s prescription - the best practice of the LOA, in the Bible (Habakkuk 2:1-4). The third chapter in this book is a commentary explaining those 4 verses that constitute the best practice of the LOA in the Bible.

I am convinced for many reasons that the LOA is important in attracting good health. Therefore, I included a chapter explaining the role of the LOA in attracting good health. Last but not least, note that LOA stands also for the Law Of Abundance!

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Last note. The LOA operates at the basis of the Western philosophical theory known as Existentialism. The existentialist writer thinker and writer - Soren Kierkegaard who wrote as a devout Christian - was the first to stress the personal choice that humans have. In other word he implied that humans attract their circumstances.

This book is a short introduction to the LOA in Bible. Soon to be published is a comprehensive volume with more of the Biblical Masters of the LOA - their thoughts and works.

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